For the last two decades, search engine optimization (SEO) has been an important marketing strategy for businesses, big and small. Organic search is integral for more reasons than can be listed here.
Primarily, it brings awareness and credibility to your brand, and it’s more trusted than paid marketing. As a result, every business should invest time and money into mastering SEO.
The bad news is SEO isn’t easy to master.
With the changing guidelines and standards of search engines (primarily Google), literally thousands of updates to the algorithm each year, and competitors at every turn, you’ll soon be spending more time on your SEO than your actual business.
That’s why, if you’re doing SEO in Delray to grow your small business, you should hire a professional.
SEO Best Practices are Confusing
Unless you’re a natural, learning and comprehending SEO best practices will be a challenge. On the surface, it won’t seem that bad, but once you dive deeper, you’ll find a whole world of technical considerations that you didn’t know existed.
For example, you may add backlinks to your blogs, but are you executing an effective backlinking strategy?
You may be writing all your content with the user in mind, but does your entire website factor in user experience?
By hiring professionals such as Local Management for your SEO in Delray, you get a team that has spent years learning and fully comprehending SEO best practices, so you don’t have to.
It’s Always Changing
In the past, it was relatively easy to teach yourself search engine optimization.
The main reason most people struggle today is because of Google’s countless changes to its algorithm. Even if you spend days learning best practices, in a month, a handful of those may be considered black hat tactics.
In other words, tactics Google no longer condones (i.e., keyword stuffing) and will penalize your site for using.
As a small business owner, you probably don’t have enough time to execute a comprehensive strategy for SEO in Delray. The SEO professionals at Local Management have the time and resources to stay up to date with all algorithm changes to ensure your website ranks well.
Make a Mistake and Your Ranking Drops
If you’ve been doing your own optimization, then you probably already know this. As we briefly touched on, not all SEO is good. Some are considered black hat, which comes with an unfortunate penalty: a lower ranking.
For example, you don’t want to:
- Use unnecessary keywords for clicks
- Stuff your content with keywords
- Duplicate content across your site
- Comment spam on other sites for backlinks
- Link to unrelated sites or sites with a low-quality score
The list goes on.
SEO professionals keep up with the latest changes and can fix any mistakes you may have made.
Professionals Use Comprehensive Analytics
Analytics tools allow you to maximize your efforts by providing insights on what’s working and what isn’t. It’s a necessity for every business.
The only problem is most of them are hard to understand and if you can determine what isn’t working, you may not have the knowledge to figure out why.
A professional will provide invaluable strategies to improve performance and determine the right measurements to meet your goals.
Professionals Know Which Tools to Use
There are a lot of tools you can utilize to improve your efforts, many of which are free or affordable.
With so many on the market, which should you use?
If you’re spending money, you want the tool that gives you the most bang for your buck, but how do you know yours is the best one?
For years, SEO experts have been measuring their results and staying abreast of the most important resources.
When you hire the pros for your SEO in Delray, they’ll tap into the tools they have trusted and used for years to help you grow your business.
Get Help With Other Areas of Digital Marketing
Organic traffic is important, but it isn’t the only strategy you should execute when growing your business online. If you’re neglecting other areas like social media, email marketing, and pay-per-click marketing in Delray Beach, that’s where the team at Local Management comes in.
If you’re ready to get serious about your marketing efforts, contact us or call (561)-782-6951 for a free site review.