Many individuals face challenges with the engagement of their blog posts. They produce steady content but don’t see it pay off in the form of likes, comments, shares, and an increased following. If you have this problem, you’re probably wondering if your content is engaging enough to attract an audience. Or perhaps you think blogging is an outdated medium in terms of content creation. Should you focus your efforts elsewhere, like creating more videos and infographics? While it is imperative that you push out your content through multiple mediums (i.e., videos, infographics, etc.), blogging should remain an integral component of your internet marketing in Boca Raton.
There are more opportunities for people to grow their business through content creation, which means competition is fiercer than ever. If you want to stand out, you must create original content that is unique, engaging, and correctly optimized for search. There is no doubt that this will take a lot of work and commitment. In this article, we will share five strategies that have worked for us and will help your brand get noticed.
Should You Write at a 7th Grade Level?
If you have taken any journalism or writing course, you probably know the importance of creating content at an average reading level. In the U.S., this means your content should not be more complex than a 7th-8th grade level. This is not to say that you should avoid complex topics. Depending on your industry, that may be unavoidable. However, if you want your content to be clearly understood by everyone, make sure it is easy to digest. You can do this in a few different ways. When writing a blog post to ensure engagement, try to avoid:
- Complex words
- Long paragraphs and sentences
- Articles that don’t have subheadings
Additionally, you should try to embrace more bullet points and content that can easily be skimmed.
Avoid Lengthy Blog Posts
You probably know that the most popular blog posts are typically long-form ranging between 1000-2000 words. However, it is important to understand that most readers want their information quickly and may not always stick around to complete a 2000 word article. Therefore, do not create articles that are long for the sake of creating long-form content. Consider your reader and the topic. Only make it longer if it is necessary. Otherwise, say what needs to be said and nothing more. Your readers will thank you by returning for more quality, engaging content.
Create an Inverted Pyramid
If you have taken a writing course then you have probably learned about the inverted pyramid. Journalists utilize this technique and you should too. Let your readers know what the article is about at the beginning. Include the most important information at the beginning and taper down from there, concluding your article with the least important facts. If you have not done this with past articles that’s okay, you can go back and reformat your information accordingly. Just remember, this does not mean that the last section of your articles should ever lack value, where you incorporate unnecessary filler words.
Make Your Conclusion Strong
Perhaps, equally as important as an engaging opener is a strong closer. There are a few important components that you should include in a closing paragraph. These include:
- No cheesy endings. Stop at a sentence that feels natural.
- Summarize to put the article in a neat, memorable package.
- Ask questions to encourage comments.
- Add a call-to-action (CTA). There is a reason you wrote this article. Plug it at the end (i.e., newsletter subscription button, phone number, or if doing e-commerce search engine optimization, link to a product page).
- Ask people to subscribe, like, and share because sometimes new readers need a push in the right direction.
Contact Local Management
We understand that internet marketing in Boca Raton is challenging and can feel like a full-time job.
Let our team help put your brand on the map. When you entrust Local Management with your company’s internet marketing campaign, quality and customer service will always be at the forefront. Call 561-782-6951 for a free site review.